All in all, "Trance Lost" is a poetic mess. But its one I have to get out on paper, or it's probably going to go septic and all you will get out of me is stuttering sentences full of hippie self righteous anger that don't do anyone a lick of good. So let me have this, just for a minute.
I am waiting to get the artwork for "Inanna" sorted out, but all in all the editing on that collection is complete. So it should be coming first as soon as the cover comes to fruition. "Trifecta" still has a lot of work and I think I want to reach out to a friend to work on that cover so that one might not even be a possibility until the end of the year. But "Trance Lost," as improvisational in feel as it has been since its inception in meditative journeying and mundane rants, will undoubtedly not be so demanding. The cover is another GIMP project playground for me, so hopefully that should be up shortly after "Innana." Who knows, maybe before even.
Here is a poem from "Trance Lost." I hope you enjoy and thank you for reading.
Queer in New Jerusalem
You say your guns will save you
when the Apocalypse rises to the surface
like a boil on the skin of the earth
Who is going to save me from you
when my scales pop out from under my skin
when my pine cone flower mandala blossoms
and drips all over the threshing floor
of my ever evolving tree house
and you are peeking through the window
thinking to get a peep,
but instead its just me dancing
in the myriad irradiated bulb light,
hoping to get a moment’s peace
as I step out of this corset
bound body suit that keeps it all in,
letting nothing escape, not even
My exhale
My sweet breath I have to shunt out
or I will choke looking out
on the world you built
where pine cone flower mandala
children have only
a grave as their home
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