Monday, April 18, 2016

Illuminated Anatomy of an Annunaki

you open up your books
to your diagram of goddess
where all my arterial rivers
which run into your Eden are displayed
girl child keeps thinking all she sees is
bone chalk clogging up the tear ducts
from which the original, that primordial
mercy conjuring pollen conjuring helix ballerinas
conjuring tears of Baghdad and Ferguson,
you think of that old Inanna,
with her vulva splayed out
like the folds of lotus into which
all of you keep pissing
your radiation in
but don’t worry children,
I’ve had my mouth open
for your terror of
a father for a long time
this cum shot of industry
the money sequence through
which dollars countdown
like a doomsday clock
for your little rioting, bloated, quaking
No one knows how to extract
hope from chaos better
than old Inanna
I stole the code for civilization,
I’m willing to break it down again
just to bring lovers and children alike
back into the folds
a vicious flower hug,
dragging you all down into my nectar trap

Reset is easy, when you are the sum total of Desire
gather all the pieces
the board is clear, and my tears flow
like atoms looking for the spark
Mine is life eternal when the elements are here to party
you keep thinking I’m so angry I would burn down your beds
just to watch you wither from girl to granny
but honey, I’m just craving, yearning
for all the children to drop their technicolor screens
and follow me home

a seven pointed star hovers over a young girl’s thoughts
I’m trying to get through
beauty is a transmission that often dissipates in space
giving into the frequencies of other, brighter stars
honey, you’re never as lovely as you were in nova, just wait
it will come around again,
incendiary, grand, and vibrating on a string
that cosmic wake up call of your realization

and when you look at your anatomical drawing of me,
consider the ovaries
I promise you are witnessing yourself
a star’s light as a time capsule
of when you were dying,

and in dying, you were the best you ever were

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